Personal InjuryUtah Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers Witness Increase In Cases

A recent study has discovered that Utah is one of the worst states in protecting senior citizens. The state was ranked at 48th place among 50 states in elder-abuse protection – and this has been going on for a long time now. Inadequate training, inadequate facilities, poorly maintained equipment, overcrowding, and low wages lead to burnout in caregivers in many nursing homes (not all though), which can translate to elder abuse or neglect. Currently, cases are piling on with Utah nursing home abuse attorneys.

Most elders are vulnerable to abuse and the information out there about their abuse is scarce. Therefore, we have prepared a guide that will make you aware of how abuse and neglect are defined in law, and how you can tackle a failed nursing home:

What Events are considered as Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect?

A nursing home is required to provide adequate shelter, proper clothing, nutritious food, hygienic and safe surroundings, appropriate medical attention, and supervision to its residents.

If the nursing home fails to provide any of these, it is termed as neglect.

If the nursing home intentionally does not provide any of these, it is regarded as abuse.

Violation of a resident’s rights (physical, psychological) is also regarded as abuse. If the nursing home physically restrains any resident without obtaining a written authorization from his doctor and without notifying the resident’s relative or contact, it is considered abuse.

How can I identify nursing home neglect or abuse?

Here are the telltale signs:

  • Unexplained injuries
  • Sudden and unexplained psychological trauma
  • Missing valuables
  • Neglect of a medical condition (by the nursing home employees)
  • Depression
  • Stress or panic
  • Withdrawal into a shell
  • Mental illness symptoms
  • Bedsores
  • Soiled clothing

If you come across these signs, you should ideally document what is going on and transfer your loved one to another facility.

My loved one is experiencing abuse. What should I do?

The first thing you should do is to call an experienced Utah nursing home neglect or abuse lawyer. Nursing homes have deep pockets and know how to get away. Remember that if you go solo, chances are that a quick fix is likely to be applied. Also, without expert legal help and opinion by our side, your complaint can get watered down or dismissed.

In any case, if you decide to do it yourself, approach the Aging and Adult Services Department, which is a part of the Utah Department of Human Services. You can also file an online complaint with Utah Adult Protective Services.

Any negative sign of abuse or neglect is a red flag, and therefore you should consider transferring your loved one to another nursing home immediately. Here is a list that ranks Utah’s nursing homes based on their deficiencies, fines, and COVID-19 cases.

Why is it important to hire a Utah Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer?

You need an experienced Utah nursing home abuse attorney – not just any lawyer. An experienced lawyer can ensure that you and your relative/friend receive justice and the nursing home is made to pay.

Any nursing home neglect or abuse needs a thorough investigation that includes talking to the nursing home employees, checking the employment history of the people who were caring for your loved one, scanning training manuals, caregiving policies, schedules, and more.

After the investigation is complete, the attorney files a complaint with government agencies, which in turn direct the nursing home to investigate the matter. As the wheels begin to turn, the attorney files a lawsuit for economic and non-economic damages, plus relocation expenses.


Utah’s nursing homes are required to comply with federal regulations. Unfortunately, some of them don’t, which causes your loved one to go through hardship, pain, and suffering. Such nursing homes must be punished and made to pay damages. Justice must be done for you and your loved one.

Before you decide to hire a lawyer, why not discuss your case with our experienced Utah nursing home abuse and neglect attorney?

It won’t cost you a penny and the help you will receive will make you a more informed consumer.

Just call us, tell us what happened, get our opinion, and pay nothing.

We work on a contingency fee basis, so you don’t have to worry about legal fees burning a hole in your pocket.
406 West South Jordan Parkway, Suite 250 South Jordan, Utah 84095

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