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Get Compensation for Your Injury

Free Claim Review with A Utah Personal Injury Attorney

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In a Hurry?
Call Our Personal Injury Hotline!

(801) 849-9300

Get Connected with an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney in Salt Lake City to Discuss Your Case for Free and Find Out How Much Your Case is Worth![/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”normal” up=”25″ down=”25″ thickness=”1″ color=”#000000″][vc_column_text]

How We Calculate Your Compensation Claim

A personal injury can be caused by any random event – for example, a vehicle accident, dog bite, medical negligence, flawed product, and more. You may need to file a lawsuit to recover the compensation that is rightfully due to you. You also need to ensure that the compensation will reset your life to pre-accident levels.

Naturally, the first question that pops up is: How much is my claim worth?

White & Garner Trial Lawyers are experienced in personal injury cases and can help you flesh out your case and determine what is rightfully due to you. We have successfully secured verdicts in Utah courts or negotiated settlements for thousands of cases, where our clients have received millions of dollars.

Here is how Utah personal injury lawyers at White and Garner determine the worth of your compensation claim:


You are entitled to current and any forthcoming medical costs needed to restore your life back to pre-accident levels. Medical expenses include tests, therapy (physical/psychological), pain management treatment, medical bills, and transportation to the medical facility, or any other medical expense incurred because of the accident.


Determining damages on account of pain and suffering is subjective and a difficult task. So, Utah’s personal injury lawyers use a “multiplier” method to estimate such damages.

Insurance companies typically add up the actual damages and multiply it by a number between 1.5 and 5 (the “multiplier”) – the value “5” is used in the severest of cases. Utah’s attorneys follow the same system and evaluate the following factors before determining the multiplier:

(a) Whose fault was it?

(b) How serious are the injuries?

(c) How long will the victim take to recover?

(d) Is the evidence documented and verified?

Remember that the multiplier formula calculated by your attorney is an estimate, which may not be accepted by your Utah insurance company. That’s why at White and Garner we take our time and ensure that our “multiplier” is supported by verified evidence and documents.


If the accident interferes with your job or business and compels you to miss out on your work and lose wages, then you are entitled to be fully compensated for the loss of income.

If the accident is serious and reduces your ability to work in the future, then you are entitled to the difference in wages before and after the accident.


If the accident causes any emotional distress that requires you to consult a medical professional, then you are entitled to claim such expenses. The emotional pain can be anything – depression, insomnia, panic attacks, stress disorders, anxiety, etc.


The compensation claim must also account for factors that have the potential to reduce it or trigger disputes that can go against you. For example:

  1. Negligence on your part: If you were partly responsible for the accident, your compensation claim is reduced by the percentage of your mistake. If you were 40% responsible for the accident and the compensation claim is determined at $50,000, you would reduce your recovery by 40% to $30,000. If your fault-percentage exceeds 51%, you are not entitled to any claim.
  2. The at-fault party’s insurance policy’s limit: Suppose your compensation claim is $50,000 and the at-fault party’s insurance policy claim covers him for only $30,000. This implies that his insurance policy falls short of covering your damages.

    In this case, you have no option to recover the difference from the at-fault party other than by filing a lawsuit against the party on a personal level. This can be a tricky territory.

  3. Remember that Utah has a no-fault insurance law. Therefore, you are required to file a claim with your insurance provider first. You can only move against third parties if your compensation claim exceeds the mandated no-fault threshold.

We at White and Garner do not just stick to the obvious. Aside from methodically evaluating the information above, we consult other experts to analyze your recurring pain levels, everyday challenges, the impact of the injury on relationships, impact on social life, and many other finer points, before putting a final number to your compensation claim.

This is how we determine the value of your claim.


Most personal injury claims are settled out of court, and therefore it is important to create an accurate and evidence-backed compensation claim that covers appropriate economic and non-economic damages that cannot be disputed.

Before agreeing to any proposal from a third party, talk to us. Call or chat online with White and Garner’s Utah personal injury attorneys. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Call us or follow the steps above to find out what your claim may be worth. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

This is a no-cost, no-obligation offer, so call now! (801) 849-9300[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern” z_index=”” background_color=”#0e3c6a” padding_top=”20″ padding_bottom=”10″][vc_column width=”3/4″ el_class=”floatnone”][vc_row_inner row_type=”row” type=”full_width” text_align=”left” css_animation=””][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″ css=”.vc_custom_1606836610728{margin-bottom: 10px !important;}”][vc_column_text]

You are NOT ALONE!

We will stand up to the insurance companies for you, so that there is no wondering, worrying or additional stress for you during this time.

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Our entire legal team is committed to ensuring that you receive the best medical treatment for your injuries and that ALL of your medical bills are paid for by insurance.

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With any personal injury case, timing is a vital component to winning, so you must act quickly.

Take the next step by calling us now at:
(801) 849-9300


406 West South Jordan Parkway, Suite 250 South Jordan, Utah 84095

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