Commercial Vehicle AccidentsQuestions That Utah’s Commercial Vehicle Accident Lawyers Ask Victims & Witnesses

All big rig accidents have the potential to cause heavy damage to property, life, and the psychology of the victims. Such accidents should be handled by an experienced lawyer who specializes in resolving vehicle accident cases and can demonstrate that he has sorted out such cases to the complete satisfaction of the victims.

To make Utahns more aware of the complexities of a commercial vehicle accident, our team of commercial vehicle accident lawyers created a list of questions that lawyers ask their clients (the accident victims) and witnesses. Know that big rig accidents are serious stuff and that in many cases the lawyers have to rely a lot on witness testimony, especially if the victim is severely injured.

  1. Please describe what led to the accident and how did it occur? The witness’s (or the victim’s) first-hand account helps the lawyer visualize the event in his mind. He then combines it with his experience gained by resolving other cases and asks for specific details that the victim wouldn’t have otherwise thought of.
  2. Did you get the feeling that an accident would occur? If so, what event made you feel so? Commercial vehicle accident lawyers ask this question to both the victim and witnesses to gather evidence of the truck driver’s negligence (if any) and to judge the quality of the witness.
  3. Let’s get into the details. The next set of questions deal with the description of the road conditions (including traffic), the lane that the vehicles were traveling in, how each vehicle was being driven (braking, swerving, speeding, etc.), how far did each vehicle travel after the event, and other questions that can crop up based on the answers.
  4. Where were you situated and how far away were you when the event happened? This question is thrown at witnesses to understand if he viewed the entire accident from a vantage point or whether he was busy elsewhere.
  5. What happened after the crash? The lawyer then wants to know about the action taken by the witness and victim immediately after the accident. Ideally, someone should have called 911 and helped out. Also, if the witness rushed to the accident spot, he should be in a position to describe the seriousness of the accident and whether other people were present at the venue (who can then be roped in as new witnesses). He should also describe who emerged from the vehicle and did what. Answers to this question and its offshoots help the lawyer identify additional valuable witnesses.
  6. What conversation did you have with different people after the event? Both the victim and the witness should describe the conversation they had with different people who were present at the accident spot. The commercial vehicle accident lawyer then filters out the hearsay and extracts the facts.
  7. Are there other facts not covered yet? Finally, the lawyer gives the floor to the victim and witnesses and lets them provide details that he may have missed asking them.

The lawyer then assembles all the answers and starts separating the wheat from the chaff. Armed with facts, he then starts building his case before moving to the next step (writing up the compensation claim).

Note that all accidents have their peculiarities and we cannot cover all the finer points in a post, and therefore, if you would like to know more about how our commercial vehicle accident lawyers quiz victims and witnesses and resolve cases, why not take advantage of our free meeting offer?

All big rig accidents have the potential to cause heavy damage to property, life, and the psychology of the victims. Such accidents should be handled by an experienced lawyer who specializes in resolving vehicle accident cases and can demonstrate that he has sorted out such cases to the complete satisfaction of the victims.

To make Utahns more aware of the complexities of a commercial vehicle accident, our team of commercial vehicle accident lawyers created a list of questions that lawyers ask their clients (the accident victims) and witnesses. Know that big rig accidents are serious stuff and that in many cases the lawyers have to rely a lot on witness testimony, especially if the victim is severely injured.

  1. Please describe what led to the accident and how did it occur? The witness’s (or the victim’s) first-hand account helps the lawyer visualize the event in his mind. He then combines it with his experience gained by resolving other cases and asks for specific details that the victim wouldn’t have otherwise thought of.
  2. Did you get the feeling that an accident would occur? If so, what event made you feel so? Commercial vehicle accident lawyers ask this question to both the victim and witnesses to gather evidence of the truck driver’s negligence (if any) and to judge the quality of the witness.
  3. Let’s get into the details. The next set of questions deal with the description of the road conditions (including traffic), the lane that the vehicles were traveling in, how each vehicle was being driven (braking, swerving, speeding, etc.), how far did each vehicle travel after the event, and other questions that can crop up based on the answers.
  4. Where were you situated and how far away were you when the event happened? This question is thrown at witnesses to understand if he viewed the entire accident from a vantage point or whether he was busy elsewhere.
  5. What happened after the crash? The lawyer then wants to know about the action taken by the witness and victim immediately after the accident. Ideally, someone should have called 911 and helped out. Also, if the witness rushed to the accident spot, he should be in a position to describe the seriousness of the accident and whether other people were present at the venue (who can then be roped in as new witnesses). He should also describe who emerged from the vehicle and did what. Answers to this question and its offshoots help the lawyer identify additional valuable witnesses.
  6. What conversation did you have with different people after the event? Both the victim and the witness should describe the conversation they had with different people who were present at the accident spot. The commercial vehicle accident lawyer then filters out the hearsay and extracts the facts.
  7. Are there other facts not covered yet? Finally, the lawyer gives the floor to the victim and witnesses and lets them provide details that he may have missed asking them.

The lawyer then assembles all the answers and starts separating the wheat from the chaff. Armed with facts, he then starts building his case before moving to the next step (writing up the compensation claim).

Note that all accidents have their peculiarities and we cannot cover all the finer points in a post, and therefore, if you would like to know more about how our commercial vehicle accident lawyers quiz victims and witnesses and resolve cases, why not take advantage of our free meeting offer?


Our experience in quizzing witnesses and victims and then building a strong case fortified by facts has helped many commercial vehicle accident victims in the past get millions of dollars in compensation without the case going to trial – thereby saving them precious time and money.

In our free, no-pressure, no-obligation meeting, our team of commercial vehicle accident lawyers will advise you on how to approach your case and discuss its strengths and weaknesses, thereby helping you become a more informed litigant.

Remember, we work on a contingency fee basis – that is, if you hire us, you don’t have to pay anything if you don’t win.

By meeting us and hearing our views on your case, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Get in touch. We are just one phone call away.

Our experience in quizzing witnesses and victims and then building a strong case fortified by facts has helped many commercial vehicle accident victims in the past get millions of dollars in compensation without the case going to trial – thereby saving them precious time and money.

In our free, no-pressure, no-obligation meeting, our team of commercial vehicle accident lawyers will advise you on how to approach your case and discuss its strengths and weaknesses, thereby helping you become a more informed litigant.

Remember, we work on a contingency fee basis – that is, if you hire us, you don’t have to pay anything if you don’t win.

By meeting us and hearing our views on your case, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Get in touch. We are just one phone call away.
406 West South Jordan Parkway, Suite 250 South Jordan, Utah 84095

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