Personal InjuryUtah Personal Injury Attorney’s Fees and Other Expenses

Personal injury laws in Utah are complicated and can appear tricky. Parties on either side would need the help of an experienced lawyer – and as you are aware, an experienced lawyer does not come cheap. However, the Utah personal injury lawyers at White and Garner work on a contingency fee basis, which means you pay nothing until we win your case. The lawyers at White and Garner do all that they can to prepare your case for trial but also put pressure on the other side to resolve most cases before they reach the court.

Before litigating, clients – whether plaintiffs or defendants – need to consider all the costs involved in the litigation process before they decide to fight for compensation claims in the court. They should weigh the outcome possibilities and compare the damages that the court is likely to award with the sum they will receive (or pay) in an out-of-court settlement. They should ideally litigate only when they are sure of winning and if it makes significant financial sense.

Here is a break up of all the costs involved in a Utah personal injury case that should help both plaintiffs and defendants:

1. Lawyer Fees for Plaintiffs

As mentioned above, Utah’s attorneys work on a contingency fee basis for victims and get paid only if the client wins. It is a risky proposition for lawyers and most clients are okay with the lawyer factoring in his fees into the compensation claim.

If the case goes to trial, the lawyers typically increase their share of the contingency fees because the litigation process takes time and costs money.

Most Utah personal injury lawyers charge 33% of the total compensation in an out-of-court settlement, and higher if the case goes to the courts.

2. Lawyer Fees for Defendants

Lawyers bill defendants on a per-hour basis. The fees in a personal injury case can work out anywhere between $150 and $450 per hour depending on the complexities of the case and the lawyer’s experience. Typically, a trial can take anywhere between 40 and 70 hours to get completed. It can stretch much longer if the case is complex and many witness and expert testimonies are needed.

3. Witness Fees

Very often, expert opinion is sought in a personal injury case, and such experts come with a heavy price tag. When the opinion of multiple experts who specialize in medicine, engineering, actuaries, accountancy, and the economy is required, the expert witness fees can start multiplying. An expert can charge $10,000 and in multiples thereof for one single case.

4. Administration Fees

Every legal case requires routine administrative work such as transcribing, making copies of documents, delivering documents, courier charges, and more. Each expense may appear small but starts snowballing depending upon the depth of the case.

5. Filing Fees

Court filing fees are payable by clients for filing and processing documents. These expenses seem like loose change, but can start adding up and stretching out to at least hundreds of dollars per case. Sometimes, even to thousands.

6. Other Expenses

Conveyance charges, travel costs, and other costs paid to the lawyer and other professionals required to build up the case and/or attend court can also work up to a significant number, especially if the case is multifaceted.

7. Summing Up the Costs and Time

A simple and straightforward case can cost about $12,500 while an intricate one can work up to $30,000 or higher. Complex cases that require multiple lawyers and witnesses can cost north of $100,000.

An out-of-court settlement can get over within a few months. But if the case goes to court it could take years before the verdict is announced. Settling out-of-court helps both the parties – plaintiffs as well as defendants – save time and money, and resolve the case in a manner that leaves no scope for animosity.

Free Consultation Offer

We hope that the information given above has been of help. If you would like to know more about legal costs, or even if you would like us to evaluate your case at no charge, just give us a call.

Our Utah personal injury lawyers are experienced and rank among the best in the business. Having worked with hundreds of victims and helping them win compensation claims worth millions of dollars, we empathize with them and understand their state of mind. After a case is assigned to us, we get to work, so that the client can free-up and focus on his recovery and rehabilitation.

We work on a contingency fee basis and assure you that you can afford us. Just gives us a call and we will explain the processes, costs, and set your mind at ease – at absolutely no charge.
406 West South Jordan Parkway, Suite 250 South Jordan, Utah 84095

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